Monday, January 04, 2016

How do you keep track?

Yay, already another post! Even better, it's book-related! LOL. Maybe I've already found a groove or mojo?

Okay, so I lied in my last post when I said there'd be no number post for 2015 from me. I saw Li's post this morning and it made me itch to write one :P So that's what I'm doing! However, I wasn't kidding when I said I haven't kept my spreadsheet up-to-date... I opened it yesterday to input some books purchases (was cleaning my desk and there was a bunch of receipts from Indigo...) and the "Books Read" tab was EMPTY!!! Talk about dropping the ball! ^_^; It's really sad. And without the spreadsheet, it's pretty much impossible to write the number post... So guess what I'm doing today at work? Yep, spreadsheet... Lucky for me, I've been keeping track of it on Goodreads. However, in Li's post, she was mentioning she was logging her books read onto Goodreads now... and it got me curious. So discussion post!!

The topic of this post says it all: How do you keep track? And for consummated readers like us, there's so much to keep track of: new releases, books read, books purchased, etc. So how do you do it? I'm pretty sure that it's been discussed before, somewhere... but with new apps and stuff, perhaps your habits have changed?

Here's what I do...

Books read: The past couple of years, I've used Goodreads predominantly. After reading a book, it's the first stop I make to add the grade, the date and my comments in the personal notes section, so I have something to go on when/if I write a review. Later on, I transfer most of the information into my spreadsheet (title, authors, genre, publisher, etc.) - which I haven't done at all in 2015 ^_^;

New releases: When it comes to new releases, then I'm pretty old-school; it all goes into a notebook. Each page is a month, the first half of the page is for the autobuys and the second half, for the maybes. Sometimes, it'll spill over and I'll use the back of the page :P I rarely update my Goodreads shelf for new releases... Only when I explore their "popular lists" to look for upcoming books, I'll tag a few as "to buy" and "on the radar"... but really, the notebook is what I go back to. Also recently, Ames and I have started a calendar to see what new releases we're both looking for and what we have in common... but it's not complete either or should I say, there's a lack of updates ^_^; Jotting down the new releases in my notebook is just faster :P

Books purchased: That goes in the spreadsheet, usually when I'm emptying my wallet or cleaning my desk or room :P Then, I'll do an effort and look at my emails for the books I've ordered online.

Books I own: I actually don't have a complete list for that. I do have a spreadsheet for the ebooks... But for the print? Well the notion of building one from almost scratch is just mind-boggling LOL. And well for books I've purchased since 2009, there are the spreadsheets. Of course, those spreadsheets don't have the RWA books or the ones I've received for free... and they don't take in account the ones I've given away either. When I finally got a smartphone, I did download the barcode scanner app to scan the books... but I got lazy ^_^;

Any other list I should have? What about you, how do you keep track of books?