Hello! How are you? I'm so happy it's Friday today!! I can't wait till the week-end!! Yesterday was the deadline for the grant application and let say, not everything went smoothly ^_^; I have to say, part of it is my fault - ugh, I hate website that block access after you've entered the wrong password three times!! Then again, if the secretary had started earlier, we wouldn't have been last-minute... Ah well, it's done and over. It involved a lot of stress and a lot of running around... and hopefully, the next grant application deadline is very, very far away in the future. In the meantime, I'm meeting with patients this afternoon. Sigh. I don't want to :(
Anyway, this means once again, I haven't had time to blog ^_^; Oups. So instead of a review, I give you this, something that I hope will make you smile :)
So I left my book lying around in the lab and my co-worker S had a bit of fun with it :) S had never had any problems with my love of reading or the fact that I read romance... but I have to admit, there are times when he looks at the book covers and wonder what I'm reading ^_^; In any case, he decided that this particular book needed a little bit of censorship LOL.
Don't worry, he didn't actually draw on the book. It's pieces of Post It that he colored in black :) Yes, it's a bit immature, but he's a guy, he can't help it LOL.
Happy Friday! and hope you have a nice week-end :)