No, I'm not lost :) London, Ontario... not UK :P
Woke up at 4.30am this morning and realized it was a tad too early, so I went back to sleep :) Then, at 5.15am, I got out of bed and got myself ready. Actually, I didn't have much to do since everything was packed. All I had to do was shower and check my emails.
Left home at 5.45am. My parents drove me, yes both my dad and mom... awww :) It was perfect timing, no traffic, and by the time I got to the station, they had started boarding, so I didn't have to wait around. The only thing that annoyed me is that it says clearly on my ticket and the receipts they sent to me by email that I was allowed a carry-on up to a certain size and while my suitcase was within limits, they still made me checked it. Which seriously, I don't mind, because it fast and it didn't require the hour they request and it didn't make me late for my connection train... but hey, I'm within limits!! Re-write your rules then if you won't accept carry-on that are too big to be stored under the seat!
The whole journey was pretty uneventful. Nothing special on the ride. I tried to sleep as much as possible, because time goes by more quickly. The whole ride took over 7 hours, from 6.30am to 2.20pm. I'm very grateful that it was on time, because seriously... it wasn't that comfy. For my ride from Toronto to London, the girl who sat next to me actually sneaked in a kitten. I don't mind, but I'm allergic to cats... and well, it smelled a bit ^_^;
Got to London on time and was quickly greeted by Kristie :) She hasn't changed since the last time I saw her, about 2 years ago. Her hair are just a tad longer :) We went back to her house so I could rest... I really like where she lives - it's close to a big mall and Chapters. My dream! LOL :)
Turns out I didn't rest at all. Kristie introduced me to her two cats and then showed me her books room. Awwww, I'm in love and green with jealousy!! I want one!! Maybe I can convince my parents to give me the formal salon at home... Hmmm, should be worth asking right? LOL :) I knew Kristie needed help classifying her books and so we jumped right in. So far, we're classifying her TBR pile ;)
We took a break to grab dinner at Swiss Chalet - it's a chicken rotisserie type of place... Which doesn't exist anymore in Quebec province, so it was fun ;) Then, we made a quick stop at Chapters... Did I mention I was able to finish My Wicked Enemy by Carolyn Jewel during my ride? I picked it up because Rosie liked it...and it was really good! So I needed to go get the sequel LOL :) I also picked up a few more books... (duh) We made another stop at Future Shop where Kristie acquired her new toy...
So now, we're back to Kristie's place and waiting for So You Think You Can Dance to start. I've already taken pictures of Kristie's new kitten, her kitchen and book room... but I forget my ubs cable, so I'll need to ask Kristie if she has one :) If she does, expect pictures in the morning!!
So there you have it, everything - almost LIVE :P