LOL, I think that many can relate to my problem: too many books, not enough space. I've been meaning to re-shelve my books for a couple months... but at the same time, I've been very lazy ^_^; Also, it usually takes me more than a week-end and it drives my parents absolutely nuts to see all those books lying around everywhere in my room. So I haven't done it yet... but since I don't have anything to do this week-end and there's already so many books on the floor, plus no more order to my books... I thought this week-end would be nice.
The thing though is how should I shelve them? Basically, I have the hardcovers, paperbacks and tradesize paperbacks all separated. No real order to hardcovers and paperbacks since I used to not have enough so it didn't matter. That's no longer true. For my paperbacks, that's another issue. Basically, I only have one shelving unit (the other is for my manga) and I triple-stack the shelves. I used to divided them in genres (or at least try) and then alphabetized them. However, since I triple-stack the shelves, I'd put my favorites in the front. Yes, favoritism, LOL.
Another problem is that I've been steadily running out of space the past year. My dad wants me to put some in the basement. Never! LOL, basically, two problems - no shelves in the basement and which would I take down?!? And then, I'm not a fan of the idea of going down to get a book in the middle of the night... Plus, it's dark... and wouldn't my books be lonely without me?!?
Anyway, I know this has been asked many times around blogland, but how do you shelve your books? and what do you think I should do? One shelve is not enough per genre... but if I alphabetized everything, then the last letters will be in boxes... and LOL, shelving by colors is out of question :P