How to ruin a perfect Saturday? I'll tell you how: get a fine for exceeding the speed limit. GRRRR! Actually, I don't mind that much to have been fined, because well, I was speeding, so I figure once in a while, it's okay. My problem is how to tell my mom... Also, 186$ well, it does hurt a little bit... but more to the point: how to tell my mom. Worst thing is that it's almost the end of the Chinese New Year. Although I guess it's better to end with a ticket than starting a year with one. Hopefully, I'll get lucky red pockets to compensate a bit. Sigh.
Onto other news, I have to say that the budget thingie isn't working. I've went on several trips of buying books and my list of books to buy just seem to get longer. Good news is I was able to find Dream Hunter by Sherrilyn Kenyon early and bought it yesterday. I'll write a review of it either tonight or tomorrow... It was a good read, far superior than Dark Side of the Moon.
Oh well, that's it for tonight. I'm going to sulk because of that speeding ticket.