Monday, February 12, 2007


Well I just thought I'd followed up a little on my week-end post :)

I did go out both days a little bit: it was cold, but I didn't stay out long. Actually, I ran to my car and jump in it :) Thanks god for the starter, so the car was relatively warm when I jumped in. On other stuff, I did read His Majesty's Dragon - thank you Mailyn and Ames so much! Mailyn for the rec and Ames, for the review that made me sit and start to read :) I luv His Majesty's Dragon and have re-read my favorites part at least twice already. I've also read The Throne of Jade - I didn't like it as much, but it was still a good book :) Reviews for the books are coming as soon as I finish the third book, Black Powder War. Also, apparently, the author, Ms. Naomi Novik has signed a contract with Delrey to continue the Temeraire series - 3 books, one per year - and I can't wait for book #4 (Empire Ivory if I'm not wrong) to come out. You'd understand if you've read the excerpt at the end of book 3!!!

What else did I do, very little. I went to work on Saturday night - the receptionist work - it was nice, because I know many of the Fathers there and they gave me a warm welcome. The evening was okay and relax, except for this phone call by a very mean lady. See, she saw on her ID caller the no, so she called back - not knowing where or whom she was calling - well let me tell you, I don't know who called you! I'm only the receptionist, i.e. I answer the phone and forward your call, I DO NOT call ppl! There is about 30 ppl in the building who could have called you - I DO NOT KNOW who called you! Anyway, she really was rude. Aside from that, it went fine :) I had time to finish His Majesty's Dragon :) Then, I stayed up till 3:30 am to read The Throne of Jade :P

Yesterday, I went to my friend's house to do some little scrapbooking - okay, I didn't think it'd take that much time to do one page. Basically, I did 3 pages and it took me about 5 hours. Then, I went home, helped my sister with her homework, read the first chapter of Black Powder War and fell asleep. I would have tried to tough it up a bit, but hey, I have to wake up at 6h in the morning and it was midnight when I turned off the light.

Anyway, I'm now at work. Beurk. My supervisor is coming back today. Double beurk. I hate Mondays... Why do week-end pass so fast?!? I really wish I was still in bed T_T

Otherwise, as you can see, I didn't have time to play with the layout. This week, this week. Although I'm going to be busy cleaning my room (how come I have the feeling I'm ALWAYS in the process of cleaning my room?!?). At least, this week, I have a deadline. My room, actually the whole house, must be pristine clean by Saturday midnight, cos it's Chinese New Year on Sunday and apparently, it's bad luck to clean, shower/bath and use the broom, cos you're washing away the luck. Go figure... :P