Tuesday, May 04, 2010

RT 2010: Haul... Spoils... Loot...

I'm not done with the recaps of RT and I'm going to continue writing them in the next few days... However, many have asked what I brought back home from this trip :) I figure you don't want to wait till the end to know, so I'm going to write a separate post :D

Not surprisingly, most of my suitcases was filled with books :) What is surprising though is that I didn't have much difficulty to pack them... it fit really well in 2 suitcases and I still had space to spare :) Okay, so here we go :P

Remember, the first night, I went to Borders? Well I went back to the bookstore on Sunday night with Kristie and Mollie. The second time around though, I was a better girl... Or more like, the books I wanted weren't there ^_^;

Here are the books I got from both signings :D Not bad right? I mean, I did go crazy, but not too crazy... if that makes sense.

Free books...

There were a few more books that I got, but exchanged or gave away, either because I already had them or I wouldn't read them... So the count was higher, but it didn't make sense to me to bring them home.

My absolute score though is the following...

I mean, seriously, getting this book just made me so happy and giddy!!  It was actually in Kristie's bag at the Street Party, but I immediately beg for it, LOL, knowing that Kristie didn't read this author. Then, I kept it in my purse the whole time till I got home. I haven't started reading it though because I need to decompress and relax so I can enjoy it to the max :P

Oh, as books go, I have a couple more that I got from Jill such as the new Julie James - Something About You, Gentlemen Prefer Succubi by Jill Myles and Provocative in Pearls by Madeline Hunter. I got the chance to get Something About You signed as well :D  In addition, I brought my tattered copies of Warprize and Warlord to be signed by Elizabeth Vaughan... and it's lucky for me too, since she only had Dagger Star and White Star at the signing.

In addition of books, well there was a lot of swag as well :P Authors can be very imaginative when it comes to promoting their books ;)

I mean, whatever you can think of, you name it :D My favorite though is this...

I got it from Laura Bickle when I got Embers at the signing :)

And voila...