How are you doing? Yes, I'm still alive and actually doing quite good. Still having some twitches and twinges from time to time, but aside from that, everything's good :) Can't believe it's been two weeks since my last post! I didn't mean to stay absent for so long, but I've been quite busy and my blogging muse is still absent :(
Last week, Ames was in Montreal for a visit! Initially, the plan was to go to NYC and visit Hilcia, Christine and Mariana... However, with the ruptured appendix, we elected to stay in Canada ^_^; So instead, last week-end, we went to Quebec City which was good as well since I got to visit my uncle :) I'll have a post with pictures up some time this week :) Also, curling started again! Yay! I played two games already... Was supposed to play another one today, but I woke up yesterday with some pain on the right side. For a moment, I was afraid it was my appendix getting worst, but after a day of rest, I think it was only soreness. Still, decided to take it easy and got a spare. Seems like I'm going to have to revise my curling schedule a bit ^_^;
Reading-wise, it's been going oh so slowly. Just too busy and not really in the mood. However, that has never stopped me from getting books LOL. So here are my new precious :)
I pre-ordered The House of Hades a while back. Lucky too because at first, I was debating whether to pre-order it or wait till I go to NYC to buy it. In the end, I was able to use a 25% off coupon in addition to the 24% discount we get on books online, so I got it for pretty cheap. It took me a while, but I did finish it yesterday :) I requested The Sugar Cookie Sweetheart Swap over at Netgalley, but really wasn't in the mood to read the proof copy. Thanks to Kobo's coupons, I decided to buy it. I'll be reviewing it once it's read... Probably some time closer to Christmas. I also purchased Broken Silence as an e-book. I mean, it's Karen Rose! Can't wait for Watch Your Back to come out!
Also, as it is customary when Ames comes over, we went to the UBS :) It's been a really long while since I've last been... I was able to pick up High Passion. I read High Risk and enjoyed it and I know Ames liked High Passion... and I was able to find a copy of Sea Swept, trade-size edition. The Cheasapeake Quartet is one of my favorites by Ms Roberts and so I've been eyeing the new trade-size edition ever since they've been released, but 18$ for books that I already have seems a bit steep a price. 3.95$ though was a steal!!
So that's it for me in the past two weeks. What about you? I can't wait till October 29 for release galore! LOL.