Sunday, October 20, 2013

Hauling Sunday CXXI

Hi everyone!

How are you doing? Yes, I'm still alive and actually doing quite good. Still having some twitches and twinges from time to time, but aside from that, everything's good :) Can't believe it's been two weeks since my last post! I didn't mean to stay absent for so long, but I've been quite busy and my blogging muse is still absent :(

Last week, Ames was in Montreal for a visit! Initially, the plan was to go to NYC and visit Hilcia, Christine and Mariana... However, with the ruptured appendix, we elected to stay in Canada ^_^; So instead, last week-end, we went to Quebec City which was good as well since I got to visit my uncle :) I'll have a post with pictures up some time this week :) Also, curling started again! Yay! I played two games already... Was supposed to play another one today, but I woke up yesterday with some pain on the right side. For a moment, I was afraid it was my appendix getting worst, but after a day of rest, I think it was only soreness. Still, decided to take it easy and got a spare. Seems like I'm going to have to revise my curling schedule a bit ^_^;

Reading-wise, it's been going oh so slowly. Just too busy and not really in the mood. However, that has never stopped me from getting books LOL. So here are my new precious :)

I pre-ordered The House of Hades a while back. Lucky too because at first, I was debating whether to pre-order it or wait till I go to NYC to buy it. In the end, I was able to use a 25% off coupon in addition to the 24% discount we get on books online, so I got it for pretty cheap. It took me a while, but I did finish it yesterday :) I requested The Sugar Cookie Sweetheart Swap over at Netgalley, but really wasn't in the mood to read the proof copy. Thanks to Kobo's coupons, I decided to buy it. I'll be reviewing it once it's read... Probably some time closer to Christmas. I also purchased Broken Silence as an e-book. I mean, it's Karen Rose! Can't wait for Watch Your Back to come out!

Also, as it is customary when Ames comes over, we went to the UBS :) It's been a really long while since I've last been... I was able to pick up High Passion. I read High Risk and enjoyed it and I know Ames liked High Passion... and I was able to find a copy of Sea Swept, trade-size edition. The Cheasapeake Quartet is one of my favorites by Ms Roberts and so I've been eyeing the new trade-size edition ever since they've been released, but 18$ for books that I already have seems a bit steep a price. 3.95$ though was a steal!!

So that's it for me in the past two weeks. What about you? I can't wait till October 29 for release galore! LOL.