Monday, May 16, 2016

Cover: The True North series by Sarina Bowen

I'm taking it easy today! Decided to share with you the covers of Ms Bowen's new series, True North. I know the covers have been floating around in blogland for a few weeks already, but I also want to know what you think about them!

Here are the covers:

Personally, I'm a bit ambivalent about these covers. If I didn't know Ms Bowen, I'm not sure I'd pick up these books based solely on the covers ^_^; I like that there are common elements throughout the three covers that mark them as part of the same series and I think the fir trees as the series' brand is well-thought out and eye-catching :) I like the title font; however, the color choices for Steadfast and Keepsake are a bit too neon and clash with the color scheme of the covers in my opinion. Also, I'm not sure it really matches the series... because from the darkness of the covers, my impression is that these books are going to be quite angsty and the titles looks to be, hmmmm, more cheerful. It's a good font for New Adult books though. Then again, I haven't read the series, so I have no idea what the mood of this series is going to be LOL.

I'm not a huge fan of the models chosen for the covers. Yes, they have great physiques, but men with naked torsos, bulging muscles and tattoos seem to be very in overabundance lately, especially in self-published books. Then again, that's my personal tastes ^_^; I'm sure a lot of fans are enjoying the eye-candies. Plus, the fir trees and sky backgrounds keep the covers from being too generic.

So there you have, my two cents for these covers :) Final verdict is that no matter what the covers look like, I'll be picking up these books because they are written by Ms Bowen LOL. Luckily, Bittersweet is released in less than a month, on June 14!

What about you? Your thoughts?